

  • ホーム
  • 大津波被災文化財保存修復技術連携プロジェクト


"Stabilization Processing" 『安定化処理』

This book was published with the goal of increasing the awareness of concerned individuals in museums domestically and overseas, as well as the general public, of post-tsunami restoration techniques. Such techniques are becoming better understood after a lot of trial and error in the efforts to restore the cultural assets damaged in the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011 and its subsequent tsunami. It is also intended as a means to share information which could potentially be useful in the case of similar large-scale natural disasters which may occur in the future.
Recently, we decided to publish Chapter 4 of the book to the web. We sincerely hope that this book will serve as a written record of the restoration of cultural assets which were damaged by the disaster, and will be made use of in a variety of research fields.
We are grateful for the support by "Subsidies for the Promotion of Cultural and Art Activities for the Fiscal Year of 2014 and 2015" (as part of the Support Project for Creative Art and History Museum Activities for the Public) by the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs.

The Committee for the Multi-Organizational Co-Operative Project for Preserving and Restoring Cultural Assets Damaged by Tsunami on March 11th, 2011
The Japanese Association of Museums

本書は、平成23(2011)年3月11日、東北地方太平洋沖地震にともない襲来した大津波によって被災した文化財に対し、試行錯誤を繰り返し確立してきた安定化処理技術を、国内外の博物館関係者をはじめ広く一般に紹介し、その情報を共有すること、そして、今後、同様の大規模自然災害が発生した際の参考に資することを目的に、文化庁の「平成26年度・27年度 文化芸術振興費補助金(地域と共働した美術館・歴史博物館創造活動支援事業)」の助成を受け刊行されました。

ICOM 日本委員会


Chapter 4: Stabilization and Restoration

(1) Stabilization of Paper-based Assets
(2) Stabilization and Restoration of Cultural Assets
(3) Stabilization and Repair of Natural History Specimens

第4章 安定化処理と修理

(1) 紙を素材とする文化財の安定化処理
(2) 文化財の安定化処理および修理
(3) 自然史標本の安定化処理および修理


日本博物館協会 大津波被災資料連携プロジェクト


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